Friday, June 26, 2009

SwamiSays"Success in life comes from taking risks or careful planning"

Success in life –These very words fascinate me in all sense:
The term “Life” is not a mere word, it thyself has “Life” in it and breathes only Success. Undoubtfully Life and Success go hand in hand and when life stops breathing success it goes insane, then after, the days you live, will make no mean.
“The Days you live don’t mind
The way you life do mean”
--- and success is the only mean opted for all.

If u ask me to justify Success in life comes from taking risks or careful planning, with no second thought I will say, “Success in life comes with a mixture of opposites”. Doesn’t it make sense? Ok, let me try to make sense. For any human, risk and planning are two opposite poles in the globe (North and South).They adamantly believe that both poles do not meet each other and hence one portion of people take up blind risks (North Pole) to succeed in life and the rest take up planning (South Pole) to be successful in life. I do agree both will succeed in their own ways, but they do fail at one fatal point (I wish to call it as “The Judgment Point “as synonymous to “The Judgment Day”). Yes the point where risk and planning meet each other unexpectedly. Both set of people would not have prepared themselves to tackle the fatal Point Situation. And there they fail, for forgetting the basic of physics, “Unlike poles attract”. Yes, for this fatal point situation where people fail, for not predicting the occurrence of the other, my theory of Success in Life (“mixture of opposites”) will come to rescue and will yield success to make your life complete. Does it make sense now? Yeah, so understand youths, Success in life not always comes by taking blind risks or just by careful planning; Success in life come by taking carefully planned risks. (A blend of both opposites in a definite proportion – careful planning with calculated risks).

“Life is to take risk,
But the risk taken should not take your life off”---
that’s the check and the bottom-line to play the game safe.

Success - The ultimate destiny of Life:
One’s life starts with success and ends with success. So it’s always a two way travel (to and fro). People feel, the destination is at one far end and fail to keep track of their way back home. Many not only fail to realize this simple fact, but also fail to script a proper plan for their complete journey and thus face defeat. As a POC (Proof of Concept) on my above theory, I would like to reuse some piece of code which is simple, open source, easily understandable to each one of us and readily available in the common namespace “Software. Industry”. The class is ROLL-BACK mechanism. At any given dead-lock situation you can implement a method named safe-start mode, which will return your journey back to the calling function named safe now and helps you continue your journey and make it successful. This act is not a failure (or) a defeat in life, it’s playing safe, now the hurdle what you faced is a known risk to you, so with positive attitude and force you can tear it apart and cover greater distance in your next giant leap. (Mistakes in life are no Defeats, but they are the one time assets what you gained in life, Its an asset because, now you have learnt from it, how not to do a thing and for sure you will never do that in the rest of your life).
The other important functionalities what the software field has thought us are, Debugging and Reverse Engineering, which even the most tech savvy, best in business, fail to implement when it comes to the application named Life. The saddest-reality and the most ironical of all the above is, that the namespace Software. Industry is just a derived type which is derived from the base of all objects, named Life.
I would like to share a small piece of script which exactly goes with my theory above. This was written in black & white by the most famous predictor of all times in the history of world, the man whose predictions have come true till date। The script goes something like,There is no such thing as –
If you can dream about a thing – Then you can do that thing,
The Harder you work for it – The luckier you get for it,
Even then, if you are unfortunate - Still it’s no high time,
As it is always too early to quit, because every exit has an entry somewhere………"

(The last line maps to ROLL-BACK mechanism and Safe-start mode), Hope the script was easy to debug and for sure 99.99 % of the readers would have identified the script-owner as Nostradamus, if so then all your predictions were wrong. It was not Nostradamus, but it is notoriously me.

SDLC-Success Development in Life Cycle (Or) Software Development “Life” Cycle:
Hope this term is no Greek and Latin to each one of us. If it is, then programmers beware, its appraisal time and if it’s for the mangers themselves, then it’s the entire team’s destiny, to fix it out (as we are all good Team-Players). I think, I am slipping out of my action plan and deviating from my requirements and estimates. But still no worry, my Ball-park estimates has accommodated an additional 20% of DEV effort as slippage time [Buffer]. I don’t want to elaborate more on SDLC, and make the readers feel bored of my post, instead I wish to make my post exiting by giving a KISS to the readers (Keep It Short and Simple).Now I can be proud for being proactive in analyzing and predicting the environmental risks and real-time dependencies and associated with this, under the section Known issues/risks in my Design Document titled “Success in life comes from taking risks or careful planning”.

Note: Adopting to the classical waterfall model or to the agile methodology, should not be a problem, it should be dynamically initialized during run-time, depending on the execution environment. (It is to be decided by the run-time engine [Human brain] – a reminder for those who have forgotten this acronym, this stands for creating the most powerful of all gadgets, a gadget that rules the world – The Computers).

What is success in life?
“In Life,
Fear is death,
Strength is Success”

Life is an Interface (purely abstract in nature); it has declarations for the methods below,
1) Careful Planning()
2) Blind Risks()
3) Calculated Risks()
So it’s purely with an individual to implement his class Success (Derived Class) from the Interface Life। An invidual’s mind set and his attitude defines his success level. It’s now his choice to implement the methods he wants to succeed in life.
Careful Planning (Slow and Study winners):
It’s the most secure way (managed code), of executing the application (Life) towards success. The compiler (Brain) knows what it is doing and how it needs to do. It will have classes (goals/targets) clearly defined. It will have layers clearly segregated (whom to interact with and how to interact).It will have a secure and precautious way of executing with try catch blocks and predicted exceptional handling mechanisms. But with all this it has one limitation, it has to execute within its scope and available functionality. As long as one is contentful with this level of success, can implement this method.
Blind Risks (Fast and Furious winners):
It’s more like writing an application purely with unmanaged code. It can still provide you with greater flexibility of exploring things beyond your limits and can create wonders for you. Actually this kind of coding does help you innovate a new technology which later becomes a trend-setter in the industry. But this unmanaged code will fail when fatal exceptions occur, as there is no guarantee that the fail-over can be managed. This style of coding is for persons who dare to innovate and succeed in life.
Calculated Risks (Consistent winners):
This style of coding is a mix of both (managed environment running some piece of unmanaged scriplets). Here the majority of the code is managed and well architected, along with unmanaged code blocks for performing tasks that are out of scope of the managed environment. This will yield you greater success with very minimal risks. These are kind of people who always feel that, by predicting and forecasting risks involved and taking some daring steps can attain greater success.
Life’s Success Ladder -The Success story of every Man and Women:
Below Ladder, takes you to success. Please kindly use your common sense to climb up and attain Success.
I Did it – Success
I will do it
I Know I can make it
I am Confident of doing it
I am clear in my goal
I think I am correct
I know what it is all about
I wish I would
I wish I could
I don’t know how to
I can’t
I won’t
What, still not able to understand, no problem will make it simple (one more KISS), now start reading with BOTTOM to TOP approach. Got it, that’s great. It is very clear to me and for each one of you, how deep the software technologies have got in to our life; virtually we have started breathing them. This denotes we have started sensing success in our life. This class act itself is a positive sign and way to go in reach of our final destiny. Understand young ladies and gentlemen, you have to cross infinite number of challenges, some smooth, some rough, some slippery, some lows, some highs, some may even mimic as the final destination, but don’t get carried away as if you have reached your destiny and never lose insight on your goal, keep walking till life demands you to do, do not fear and hesitate to face life and its complexities…don’t even stop to question me back , what I have said all through my blog, because the very moment you stop your journey, it means you are losing your clarity, your goal, your game, your destiny and ultimately your beloved Success…….
And don’t forget you have only one life to live, one game to play, one destiny to pursue…………
Life will be sweet as you see it,
Life will be sweeter as you taste it,
Life will be sweetest as you digest it” --- this is Success in Life


more fascinations to be continued

1 comment:

Varalakshmi said...

Very Nice post SS ! Keep rocking Swamiji :)